On 13th of March 2014 15:52, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Christian Stroetmann <stroetm...@ontolab.com <mailto:stroetm...@ontolab.com>> wrote:

    On 13th of March 2014 15:06, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:

    On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Christian Stroetmann
    <stroetm...@ontolab.com <mailto:stroetm...@ontolab.com>> wrote:

        Aloha Everybody

        Why don't you ask the creators of the Sugarfox project?

    Because I can't find anything about that on internet?

    Yes, you are right. There is not much publicated under [1],

Ohh, I don't want start this discussion again, but when I think on "creation" I look for a concrete implementation,
can be a prototype,  repository, etc.

Basically, there are 2 repositories:
1. the repository of FirefoxOS and
2. the repository of Sugar Web.

To implement a prototype is trivial. Just follow the installation instructions of FirefoxOS and then run Sugar Web on it. As I said, it is self-explanatory.

    Ok, I understand, but let me give you and the other members of
    this mailing-list the information that in this case the fight of
    the platforms takes place on the level of the web browsers and not
    on the level of the hardware and the underlying operating systems
    anymore. For example, every larger manufacturer of mobile devices
    has announced such cheap devices several months ago and virtually
    are running or will run Android. So this is the reason why I guess
    that it will end up with Android and Chrome on Nexus tablet
    computers and Chromebook netbooks.

I don't know if there are space for more players in the niche of "mobile OS" really. But _if_ there are space for a "open web os", mozilla ia a player, and is investing a lot of resources.

Let me summarize at first what was said so far. I guess that you mean with the term "mobile OS" an operting system that features the "already developed resources to do the "standard" tasks", take photos, save and play music, browse the web" and communicate over a wireless connectivity that offers more than for example Bluetooth and WLAN.

In this specific field of mobile OSs there is no such niche anymore since around 2007. In fact, you have the choice between standard Android, Android with Chorme, and Android with Firefox, aka. Firefox OS, and also Tizen, Sailfish OS, Chromium OS and Chrome OS, Ubuntu Touch OS, potentially (Open) webOS in the next future again, and maybe OntoLinux sometimes, but that was it with the mobile operating systems that are interesting in general.

Even more worse becomes the situation if we take the requirements of Sugar into account. 1. In the case of the common Sugar implementation, there is nothing available out of the box due to the dependencies to Gnome and Python. It might be possible to take one of the mobile OSs that are not based on the Android stack and build up an own mobile OS stack. But the main problem is what has been discussed in other threads on this mailing-list and on the development mailing-list of the OLPC several times: the view layer respectively the Graphical User Interface (GUI) layer based on Gnome. Without the support of Mesa/Open GL and hence of Clutter or even better Mutter on top of the Wayland protocol I would like to say that it makes no sense to go further in this direction. Nevertheless, this might be the best option for the further evolution of the classic Sugar with Python and Gnome besides a complete change to Sugar Web. 2. In the case of Sugar Web based on Node.js the only choices that make sense is Android with Chorme, or Chromium OS and Chrome OS. 3. In the case of Sugar Web based that supports every web browser (I would like to call it pure Sugar Web or so) the first choices are Android with Chorme, Chromium OS and Chrome OS, Firefox OS, followed by Tizen and then by the other mentioned OSs. But in this case two different variants of Sugar have to be supported, which should also work together somehow, i.e. Python with HTML and HTML with Python. But at this point there is the main problem with the communication layer of Sugar based on Telepathy, if I have followed the discussions in other threads correctly.

So in the end, the platform does matter more than you would like it to be in the case of a mobile OS and related hardware, and Sugar has to go with the times in this field. At this point I always give the advice to begin with the hardware drivers, as it could be seen with Mesa/Open GL on the XO devices once again recently.




    [1] Sugarfox www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#sugarfox

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