On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 01:20:19PM -0600, Jerry Vonau wrote:
> I know this is not a sugar issue directly, more of an OLPC issue but
> since Fedora F12 the entire i686 platform's userland is being
> compiled with -mtune=atom which would use sse. This causes problems
> for some parts of sugar now that java is being used more and the
> XO-1 lacks sse.  Fixing one package that uses sse might fix one
> issue but this is really a distro wide setting and other issues may
> float to the top in other areas.

Thanks, wasn't aware -mtune=atom was being used upstream.  It explains
a lot.  First build after Fedora 11 was 11.2.0 (os874) using Fedora
14.  So if we rebuild everything there may be an improvement?  That's
probably something that can be set running as a test.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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