On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 04:11:45AM +0000, tkk...@nurturingasia.com wrote:
> >Okay, and please bear with me; I don't have the data quota to download
> >SOAS images; but is the Server entry box in the Collaboration section
> >of the Network panel of the My Settings set or is it blank?
> It has the jabber.sugalabs.org and I have blank it out first for my
> testing.

So if you do not blank it out, but leave it as it is, and allow it to
connect to jabber.sugarlabs.org, everything works fine?

(When I do that on other than SOAS, there are many icons on
neighbourhood view.  I'm able to invite the other non-XO to chat, and
it works fine.)

If using jabber.sugarlabs.org works fine on SOAS, then this is not so
severe a problem.

> I registered the two SOAS-22 with the schoolserver. Both shows in
> the neighbourhood BUT a shared activity will not show (it showed
> when it is not registered befroe) in the neighbourhood. I use 2
> registered XO and the shared activities will show. The SOAS can join
> but will not work as in my previous setting. The XO collaboration
> works OK.

Thanks.  I agree it sounds like a problem specific to Fedora 22 or

> >Okay, that's interesting.
> Ha .. you love interesting stuff to troubleshoot. Hope the issue get
> sorted out or we are losing a great feature.

Peter would be able to tell us for sure, but my guess is that it won't
be fixed before this spin of SOAS is released.

James Cameron
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