Hi, Gonzalo

Sadly, the log shows nothing. I get the exception on a
        datastore.get(obj) (where obj = olpcgames.ACTIVITY.game_handle)

where the activity uses the standard olpcgames activity.py,

the activity.py in olpcgames has:

def __init__(self, handle):

if handle.object_Id:
    self.game_handle = handle.object_id

along with some magic code (def make_global) to make olpcgames.ACTIVITY refer to 'self'.

The activity is derived from the one in ASLO, but I added the ability to start a quiz by resume from the Journal so this datastore usage is not in that
version. However, this code worked in 13.2.2.


On 09/02/2015 12:26 PM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
Hi Tony,
Could you attach log files and link to the activity version you are using?
The information provided is not enough to guess what is happening
"DBusException('Did not receive a reply, ...)." means the datastore is not replying,
(or is taking a too log time) but why that is happening is not clear.


On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 5:27 AM, Tony Anderson <tony_ander...@usa.net <mailto:tony_ander...@usa.net>> wrote:

    Another problem. The Quiz activity crashes in various ways. On
    some occasions, it completes normally.
    The log shows no error messages. However, it reports in some cases
    terminated with  signal 6 or signal 11.

    Using try, I was able to narrow it down to a datastore.get. The
    exception is 'dbus.exceptions.DBusException'>,
    DBusException('Did not receive a reply, ...).

    I assume the lack of error messages relates to the same
    problem, the error occurs in a different process.

    I have also seen an isolated (preceded and followed by unrelated
    messages from the activity) message in the log:

    Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation fault

    In this case, the log reported a signal 6.

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Gonzalo Odiard

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