Last weekend for about six hours, roughly 12 children who had never
used Sugar played with five XO-4 laptops running 0.106 on OLPC OS

The most popular activities were Physics, Maze, and Speak.

The most frequent problem was that Physics-26 would disappear from the
display, replaced by the home view, and the child would click on it
again, and it would return.

When it came time to replace batteries, I used the double power button
to shutdown.  That worked fine.

When it came time to pack up, I used the Shutdown option in the home
view, in the buddy icon.  Three of the laptops were affected by
OLPC #12813, in that the shutdown did not happen.  According to ps(1),
there were Physics and Maze processes still on the system, but they
were not in the Frame nor did Alt/Tab expose them.

The Sugar logs can be found here:

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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