Because trac provides coverage across multiple repositories, and
nothing else gave us that feature at the time.

I'm fine with closing down trac, because;

(a) it isn't used in release engineering,

(b) in the past 90 days there have been no tickets created or updated
by anyone other than developers.  (see timeline of trac),

This means we have no users engaging with Sugar Labs through bug
reporting; and that's been my observation for some time.

I don't think GitHub issues will work very well; because it isn't easy
to move an issue from one repository to another.  With trac, a ticket
may be reported against one component, then diagnosed to be fixed in
another component.

Some GitHub project teams can use a single issue tracker for a set of
repositories.  endlessm is one such user, with commits referencing a
"shell" of issues.  These may be features of GitHub that have a
purchase price, but I don't know.

On Sat, Apr 02, 2016 at 09:36:35PM -0400, Dave Crossland wrote:
> Hi
> When sugar git moved from [1] to [2]https://
>  in 2013, why did issue tracking stay at [3]
> and not move to 
> [4]
> ?
> I think it would be a good idea to move the issues, since pull requests can
> then be linked to issues (and even close them automatically by including
> "closes #issue_id" in the commit/pr message :) and development is concentrated
> in 1 place, with 1 UX.
> There are only 182 open issues on [5] ([6]https://
> reopened&component=Sugar&order=priority) so moving them over would likely take
> one person 3-4 hours. I'm happy to do this if it would be helpful. 
> --
> Cheers
> Dave
> References:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6] 

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