Hi, Yash

I think this is an example with the problem of carrying on design discussions on a public forum. The 'save' feature saves an html file correctly with no line feeds. This makes looking at the file in a text editor (such as gedit) difficult. BeautifulSoup is already installed in Sugar (or in the image) so that it can be used. This allows for the possibility of saving the file in a more readible form. This problem does not occur during editing - the user puts in line feeds
as desired - but these are ignored (treated as spaces) by the browser.


On 05/17/2016 07:28 AM, Yash Agarwal wrote:
It would helpful if you could clarify a little, Beautifulsoup is full featured HTML parser and prettifying the .html file is just one of the features. If I understand correctly you want to prettify the code the user writes in your editor-- this can be done in real-time(little difficult) or when the user clicks a button <prettify my code>(quite simple to implement). If you want to store the prettified file it shouldn't have a problem-- could clarify what the exact issue is here.


On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 7:31 AM Dave Crossland <d...@lab6.com <mailto:d...@lab6.com>> wrote:


    Kindly, I'm confused about this js fiddler activity; why are you
    putting effort into writing a fiddle program, instead of merely
    packaging an existing libre fiddle program for Sugar?

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