On Jun 13, 2017 7:12 PM, "Sebastian Silva" <sebast...@fuentelibre.org>

On 13/06/17 12:50, Samson Goddy wrote:

Your mentioning Facebook, iPhone, Windows, Flash, LinkedIn etc, do not fit
with this agreement, so we would sincerely appreciate if you do not promote
these entities while representing Sugar Labs.

Could you explain more, because i dont understand. And also how did you
think i might breach the agreement?

While your promoting these entities does not breach the wording of the
agreement, I believe it goes against the spirit of it. Please review
information on GNU.org such as the following articles, to understand why
such technologies are distributed in bad faith.


I still don't understand what you are trying to say. I believe almost
everyone in this community uses Facebook, has LinkedIn account. For the US
people they should have iphones. I barely use windows, maybe when i want to
play fifa or go to the cyber house for internet.

Are you trying to say that i should, throw away my iphone, probably the
macbook i use. Close down my facebook account and possible my LinkedIn too?
And stop playing online games because they are flash?

Is that what you are trying to say?

I read the documentations.. i don't see how i breached those rules. Because
before i came into the community Sugar Labs was already on Facebook,
LinkedIn and Sugarizer was kinda available for Iphone and windows?

Please kind you note where and how i breached those rules?. Why are these
questions targeted to me only? Why i see people and under softwares
understand SFC are using facebook anf LinkedIn to promote their content.

I will be waiting for your replies, because i like learning what i don't

On the other hand, these Sugar Activities (by you) don't have proper
sources available. This actually is a breach of the agreement, and they
should have been removed:


In accordance to the license file on those .xo bundles, I request that you
share the source for the .swf Flash components embedded if you wrote them,
otherwise please make sure they are removed from ASLO.

This was a project i did in 2014.. Because kids using the xo laptops were
actually playing those mentioned games online. I had to port them as a
activity for sugar. I didn't write or own the swf. It is free, there are
versions for those in Android which are free also. So if you think it is
against Sugar Labs culture, i recommend you take it down yourself.

I don't want any arguments.



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