Hi James,
Thanks for such well explained response.

Risk #1; your beginner guide does not help a beginner.
Regarding it, I had thought that bringing all the resources at a single
place with proper linking within, it might help to properly navigate.
So, instead of having multiple newcomer guides resources, we can add all
the resource in one place.

I have large student community in my college, so after the project
completes, I had a thought to organize a Sugarlabs online seminar, where we
can guide them about Open Source contribution, and direct them to these
newcomer guide website.
So, it will provide me raw feedback from them and I can improve that guide

Risk #2; your beginner guide conflicts with other information.
I had thought to add current beginner guide information to the new
project's website(beginner guide website), and then remove information from
the current existing guide and put the link to new guide at those places.
So, it will be easy to maintain and update them at one place.

Risk #3; your beginner guide is abandoned soon after publishing.

Sugarlabs is my first organization where I got to know what and how Open
Source work and Walter has been great support all this time.
I would like to keep modifying and maintaining them according to community
guideline and projects, even after GSoC overs.
So the work and guide will always be nearly updated according to the
current standards of the community.

Few Parts I was unable to understand, Kindly explain them:

>  So in working on this "making a beginner guide" project, please;
>  - measure or assess the edits by others, (which will depend on the tools
or sources you choose to use),
>  - promote edits by others,
>  - provide some form of social reward.

I wanted to know while making the website can I use certain front-end
frameworks like Bootstrap, Material or any other.

Pratul Kumar
Sugar-devel mailing list

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