Hello everyone,
I would like to take this opportunity of introducing myself to the OpenSIPS
community. I am Tushar Aggarwal, a third year undergraduate from BITS
Pilani Hyderabad, India.

I am a prospective GSoC student and have identified the project "Going
Beyond Equal Temperament in Music Blocks" as something that piques my
interest and lies within my capabilities. I am self taught musician and
know music theory as well. I believe equal temperament lies at the heart of
modern western music theory. It is important for the users to "feel the
difference" between various temperament. It is in this regard I would like
to start contributing. From a coding perspective I looked at the code base
and saw that we have defined notes which are equal. As a first step we
would have to change that to achieve different temperament. Beyond that I
have no clue on how this problem can be implemented. It would help if I
could be assigned some introductory tasks. I have also gone through the
material provided in the project description. Any additional resource will
be appreciated as well(considering I am well versed with music theory).

I have been heavily influenced by the book "Mathematics & Music" by James
S. Walker. Its an abstract idea as of now but I was wondering if we could
introduce music theory concepts using maths. For example we can introduce
notes as being part of a geometric progression and how selecting certain
notes (which are in ratio like C:E is 5:4). Let me know if this is
something which excites the community and if someone can help me write a
new proposal(if new proposals are accepted in the first place).

I look forward to interacting with all the developers and contributing to
the organization to the best of my abilities.

Tushar Aggarwal
(tushar1997 on IRC)
Sugar-devel mailing list

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