I believe our immediate need is maintenance on ASLO (Acitivities.SugarLabs.org). It is going to take another day or two to complete reviewing the bundles from http://github.com/SugarLabs; however, it is evident that a large number have the name version number as the version on ASLO but are not the same. Sadly, this means that many of the conversions to GTK3 are not available to users with Sugar on Ubuntu.

When finished I will post an updated spreadsheet showing the problem bundles.


On Saturday, 12 May, 2018 08:19 AM, James Cameron wrote:
Someone asked me privately how they might contribute.  My answer may
be useful to others.

Someone said;
where should I start?
Thanks for your question.

1.  don't ask this question privately if you don't need to; Sugar Labs
is an open community project, and this kind of question is best asked
in public on sugar-devel@ mailing list, so that you get the most
complex of responses, from which you can average or integrate.

2.  my recent post "How to get started as a Sugar Labs developer" may
be helpful; rather than quote it here, I'll link to it;


3.  our documentation for new contributors suggests many things, so be
sure to read these documents;


4.  you might follow along behind the GSoC teams, and read their
meeting minutes, use http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/ to watch for new
meetings, to learn how others work,

5.  you will know from my GitHub activity that my contribution is
coding.  If you do coding, you will talk to me quite a bit.  If you do
something other than coding, I might not answer much.  Someone else
would help you instead.


Disclosure statement; I'm a contributor to Sugar Labs and am paid by
One Laptop per Child.  It is in my interest if you work on Sugar
activities that OLPC uses.

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