Thanks for your questions, Dave.

On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 12:50:54PM -0400, Dave Crossland wrote:
> On 25 May 2018 at 00:47, Tony Anderson <> wrote:
>     ASLO provides access to Sugar activities (*.xo bundles). Ways in which
>     users get Sugar is not relevant.
> When James said, "plenty of disk space these days to include all working 
> activities in a build", that suggested to me that that this is relevant; when
> users 'sudo apt-get install sucrose' will they also get all working 
> activities?

No; not all packages, and not all working.  But a representative sample.

In addition to lacking activity maintainers, we also lack activity
packagers for the Fedora and Debian distributions.  Peter Robinson and
his team for Fedora have been keeping the existing packages
maintained, as has Jonas Smedegaard and others on the Debian side.  No
new activities have been packaged for a few years.

SoaS uses Fedora packages of Sugar activities, derived from tarballs,
not bundles.  Some packages use git tags straight from GitHub.

Debian uses either tarballs or git tags straight from GitHub.

Sugar Live Build uses git clones

My build for OLPC NL3 uses git tags, git clones, or tarballs of

>     In my experience, XO users install Sugar from the images on
> James, surely "plenty of disk space these days" doesn't apply to images built
> for XO-1 machines?

Yes, doesn't apply to XO-1 machines.  OLPC NL3 has 32 GB SSD.
Component market pricing at the moment favours eMMC sizes of 32 GB, 64
GB, and 128 GB, or SSD size of 128 GB.  Anyone planning to buy from
OLPC should expect those sizes.

>     For Ubuntu, I assume sudo apt-get install sucrose. SOAS is not live and 
> the
>     usb stick is built from the SOAS image (dd).
> To clarify, when you say, "SOAS is not live", do you mean the last SOAS image
> was released a long time ago?
>     I haven't yet tried Sugar on RPI but I believe this is a sudo apt-get
>     sucrose to Raspbian.
> I would expect so

Counter-argument; better user experience with Fedora SoaS on Raspberry
Pi, see documentation on this;

Has many more working activities than those included in Raspbian from

>     In each case a number of activities selected by the packager is included.
>     However, users should be able to access the entire library.
> If a packager includes all working activities, then users can and do access 
> the
> "entire" library.
>     The fundamental problem is to fix the broken activities.
> True; but, even as more broken activities become fixed, given the actually 
> used
>  packager's images include all working activities, the situation remains the
> same. 
>     Current statistics taken a few minutes ago show that there are 327
>     activities available on ASLO alone. These are generally gtk2 activities
>     which are not usable in the Ubuntu Sugar. There are 191 activities with
>     github repos. Of these, 103 work on the Ubuntu Sugar and are available as
>     xo bundles from aslolite.
> Good to know. Are those gtk2 .xo bundles 'broken'?

Bundles that depend on GTK+ 2 won't run unchanged on Ubuntu 18.04
because of the removal of Rsvg and thus Sugar Toolkit for GTK+ 2.

Workarounds are to backport Rsvg and Sugar Toolkit for GTK+ 2, which
is straightforward for a developer familiar with Debian packaging.

> Cheers
> Dave

James Cameron
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