This capability is provided currently by the Quiz activity (originally developed in Austria as the ImageQuiz activity). While the current version has not been updated on ASLO, it is in use in Rwanda. Essentially, the teacher prepares a text file similar to the method used by Moodle, e.g.

Name the capital of Rwanda. {=Kigali}

Which of these countries did not qualify for the World Cup? {=United States of America ~Russia ~Germany ~Brazil}

The Quiz Activity is installed on the XO. The quiz can be downloaded by Browse from the schoolserver to the Journal. To take the quiz, the student resumes Quiz from the Journal.


On Monday, 11 June, 2018 03:33 AM, Walter Bender wrote:
I always thought something along the lines of Geo Safari would be cool.

On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 8:23 AM Rahul Bothra < <>> wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    I had an idea of a quiz based activity which can be used for
    conducting quizzes/evaluative components by teachers.

    A user (teacher) can create a quiz in the activity, by adding
    question-answer pairs, save the quiz, and share it with the students.
    (Questions can be objective or short subjective.)

    Users (students) can load the copy of the quiz in the activity and
    attempt the quiz.
    Students can then store the attempted copy of the quiz and share
    it with the teacher, who can then evaluate the same

    While I am not working on it at the moment, please share your
    feedback on the following:
    1. Does any such activity already exists? (I couldn't find any on
    2. Do we have sugar users who _might_ find such an activity useful ?
    3. Any improvements/ feature suggestions

    Thanks and regards
    Rahul Bothra (Pro-Panda)
    ASLO mailing list <>

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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