On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 10:17:50AM +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
> > > What's the status of the 0.113/114 releases? I'd like to start to
> > > working on the python3 builds for Fedora 30 sooner rather than
> > > later.
> >
> > Stalled on sugar-toolkit-gtk3 port from static to PyGObject
> > introspection for Telepathy.
> >
> > There's still no Python 3 support for the static binding in the
> > Telepathy project, though the binding has been ported to Python 3 by
> > our developer Rahul.  So porting to PyGObject seems like the right way
> > to go.  It is in progress.  PRs #389 and #383.
> >
> > With only myself and Rahul looking at this, I'd guess another few
> > months before a release with Python 3 support.  I'll put it down for
> > discussion at the weekly meeting.
> OK, well keep me in the loop, people have already started the hack and
> slash of what they feel as redundant pyhthon2 only dependencies in
> Fedora 30. This has affected sugar-toolkit through the use of
> gnome-python2-rsvg which affects the Activities below, we might be
> able to get a minor window of relief on that but I'm not convinced.

Yes, we saw that in the past year in Debian; the very few lines of
source that make up the Rsvg static binding were embedded in something
else rather than as a separate package or as part of Rsvg.

So OLPC lost the benefit of upstreaming sugar-toolkit (Sugar Toolkit
for GTK+ 2), and now I maintain a custom or derivative package.

I did offer to maintain the Rsvg static binding, but was told this was
not welcome.

In retrospect, it was suboptimal organisation of source code in
earlier GNOME.

> I noticed the new Moon 19 activity has moved to Javascript but I have
> no idea how that works from a packaging dependency or Sugar bindings
> PoV (does it use gjs?) and don't have the time to dig into it
> unfortunately. Kalpa can you assist here?

No, not gjs.  Package should continue to depend on sugar-toolkit-gtk3,
as it calls /usr/bin/sugar-activity-web, which uses WebKit2.

I thought there was a Javascript activity already in Fedora somewhere,
but I don't have a Fedora system handy to find out; grep for a file
path pattern of "lib/sugar-web"

> I was already considering dropping anything requiring the original
> sugar-toolkit from the default spin for an upcoming release so maybe
> we just need to go through the list below and work out which are
> likely to be migrated to gtk3 or JS and possibly just retire the rest?
> Thoughts?

was my last review of this list.  I've reviewed again and the changes
are small; Flipsticks port progressed but still unfinished, Labyrinth
embeds source which is upstream of Sugar Labs, Sri Lanka is new to the
list, as is Starchart.

Given the pitiful progress over three months, you may have to retire
all these GTK2+ activities from Fedora.  If you decide that, let me
know, and I can post a final warning in a separate thread calling for

Full review of your list again below.

Port completed = 6
Port needed or in progress = 6
Port planned = 1
Missing maintainer = 11
No GitHub repository yet = 2

> sugar-calendario-0:4-14.fc29.noarch

No change.  Port planned.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-castle-0:23-12.fc29.noarch

No change.  Port needed.  No GitHub repository yet.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-connect-0:22-22.fc29.noarch

No change.  Port needed.  No GitHub repository yet.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-countries-0:33-15.fc29.noarch

No change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-deducto-0:9-13.fc29.noarch

No change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-flipsticks-0:13-12.fc29.noarch

Some change.  Port in progress.  Code changes pending.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-kuku-0:5-8.fc29.noarch

No change.  Port needed.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-labyrinth-0:16-10.fc29.noarch

Some change.  Embeds Labyrinth upstream sources.  Labyrinth upstream
has not finished porting yet.  A partial port by a GCI student is in
our repository but doesn't work.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-moon-0:18-2.fc29.noarch

Some change.  Port completed.  Released.  Use v19.

> sugar-playgo-0:5-18.fc29.noarch

No change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing maintainer.

> sugar-srilanka-0:3-8.fc29.noarch

Some change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing


> sugar-starchart-0:16-9.fc29.noarch

Some change.  Port in progress.  Code changes pending.  Missing


> sugar-view-slides-0:8-19.fc29.noarch

No change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing maintainer.


> sugar-xomail

No change.  Port needed.  No GitHub repository yet.  Missing maintainer.

http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/sweetmail (abandoned work in progress)

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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