Thanks for asking.

I've removed CCs, as these people are all on sugar-devel@, and replies
do trigger limit on addressee count reported by Mailman software.

I don't think a meeting is needed, but I can attend one if you call
it.  Please choose a time that both Rahul and I can be available.

What to do and how to start is summarised by our GitHub project "Port
to Python 3 via Six";

It is a big job, but completing any part of it brings the finish
closer.  Rahul did good work on it last year.

Each step will bring new errors and seemingly impossible problems that
have to be solved.  We don't necessarily have the solutions until we
can consider the problems in detail.  It isn't a class exercise.  ;-)

In general the sequence is;

- port, test, and package the toolkit,

- port, test, and bundle the Hello World sample activity,

- port, test, and bundle all the other activities in the core set,

- port, test, and package the shell,

- port, test, and package any dependencies,
  (Xapian has been mentioned by our Fedora people),

- port, test, and package the datastore,

- port, test, and release any of our own dependencies used by
  activities, such as collabwrapper, or gwebsockets,

- port from Telepathy to TelepathyGLib,

- port, test, and bundle as many non-core activities as we can.

Do ask questions to clarify, but with changed subject line.  I suggest
a subject prefix of "Port to Python 3".

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 10:28:25AM +0530, ANIKET MATHUR wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Looking forward to have a meeting for discussing how to start with project 
> Port
> to Python 3.
> It would be good to discuss, how and from where to start. ;-)
> Mentors - Rahul and James.
> Thanks!
> On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 11:39 PM Rahul Bothra <[1]> wrote:
>     Greetings everyone,
>     Congratulations to the 9 students selected for GSoC 2019 with Sugar Labs.
>     We
>     hope that you are as excited as we are. We had some great proposals to go
>     through and yours' really stood out.
>     Here are a few things to get you onboard,
>     1. Please subscribe to sugar-devel if you haven't already,
>     See [2]
>     2. Contact your project mentors to get started. Decide a weekly meeting
>     time
>     which suits you and your mentors. Regular communication is an integral 
> part
>     of
>     working on a project of this scale. 
>     It can be tempting to communicate in private, but please use public forums
>     like
>     #sugar, #sugar-meeting, or @sugar-devel while communicating, so that other
>     community members can also join in.
>     3. You are required to write weekly blog posts about your GSoC progress.
>     You
>     can start off by setting a blog up if you haven't already. Reply to this
>     thread with
>     the link to your blog.
>     4. We'll be having a weekly group meeting on #sugar-meeting, where all
>     mentors and students will discuss their progress. Since we have people 
> from
>     Australia, France, India, Nigeria, and the US (pardon me if I've missed
>     anyone),
>     it'll be difficult to find a time suitable for everyone. Reply to this
>     thread with your
>     preference of time. Here are a few suggested options,
>     * Monday 4:30 PM UTC / 10:00 PM IST
>     * Monday 6:30 PM UTC / 12:00 PM IST
>     5. If you have any issues with your mentor, or otherwise during the GSoC
>     project, please feel free to get in touch with the GSoC Org Admins. They
>     are
>     James <[3]>, Rahul <[4]>, and Walter
>     <[5]>.
>     Welcome to Sugar Labs.
>     Looking forward to a productive summer with you guys
>     Regards,
>     Rahul Bothra
>     _______________________________________________
>     Sugar-devel mailing list
>     [6]
>     [7]
> References:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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