We have accepted nine student projects.

Google will check everything they have to, and announce student
projects on 4th May.

We are to not communicate the decisions on projects until then, as
the situation could change.

Students: you are welcome to contribute while you wait.

Mentors: remind yourself of responsibilities by reading


Everyone: get involved on GitHub, mailing list, Wiki, and other public
services used by Sugar Labs.


My announcement after 4th May will contain;

* student and project names,

* mentor names,

* backup mentor names,

Each project has a mentor, and one or two backup mentors.  Backup
mentors are in case the mentor gets sick or must withdraw from the
program.  We can add or change mentors on a project until 31st May.

All technical project communication between mentors and students is to
be public; mailing list, GitHub issues, pull requests, teams, or an
open access chat service announced by mailing list.  This is your
responsibility to help and teach your student how to be part of a
community and to communicate more effectively and in the open.  Also
to comply with our code of conduct.

Project logistics communication may be private; your availability,
daily diary notes, and constructive feedback that could be
misinterpreted if public.  You must CC gsoc2020ad...@sugarlabs.org to
maintain transparency, and also because your org admins are
responsible for continuous evaluation of your interactions.  We can't
do that if we can't see it.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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