I agree with the change.
Good to hear.

> For your interest, Sugar loads SVG and changes the colours in
> sugar3.graphics.icon _SVGLoader;
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/blob/master/src/sugar3/graphics/icon.py#L116

Thanks for the link. The question is: is it possible to replace this code
by native call of SVG features.

> In your study you say;
> "The SVG file should be updated manually" ... in some cases
> sugariconify can be used to update the file automatically.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugariconify
This tool transforms an existing SVG file to allow it to use it in Sugar.
But once transformed it's no longer possible to edit transformed colors in,
for example, Inkscape.
My idea is to have a way to edit the transformed file in Inkscape like if
it was a "standard" SVG file.
With the new CSS representation I propose It should be doable in Inkscape
because Inkscape 1.0 seems to support CSS files [3].
But unfortunately I can't figure out how to do it :-(


[3] https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Release_notes/1.0
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