Hi Mentors,

Hope you all are doing well!

My name is Simrann Arora and I am an aspiring GSoC 2023 contributor. I have
been actively trying to contribute to the 'Sugar on Raspberry Pi' project
that has been selected for GSoC this year. As far as my progress is
concerned, till now I have completed the following tasks:
- Setting up Debian version 11(bullseye) VM on my mac using Parallels
Desktop, earlier I had installed Ubuntu 23.04 using VMware Fusion
- Cloning the rpi23-gen-image repo for building Sugar OS image.
- I tried running the rpi23-gen-image builder script but I am getting this
 chroot: failed to run command '/debootstrap/debootstrap': Exec format

I did some research to fix this, and found out that it might have
occured due to the architecture mismatch of the chroot environment and the
command that I am using to run the script, like suppose the chroot
environment is 64-bit and the executable is 32-bit. Another reason could be
that the executable is not compatible with the OS or the linux distro
within the chroot environment.

- To fix this, I created a chroot environment of Debian version 9 (stretch)
within my Debian 11 distro to make it compatible with the
`rpi3stretch-sugar` template as given in the `rpi23-gen-image` repository
and cloned it.
However, when I ran the script, I encountered the same error:
 chroot: failed to run command '/debootstrap/debootstrap': Exec format

To further troubleshoot this, I tried installing the `binfmts support` and
enabling qemu-arm within the chroot.
Again I got an error:  `update-binfmts: warning: qemu-arm not in database
of installed binary formats. `

Now to fix this one I tried reinstalling qemu-user-static and enabling it
but it says that it might be possible that this package isn't installed in
my system's repo or I need to use another repo for the same.

I would like to request the mentors to guide me further on this and discuss
the next steps of implementation and the project requirements.
I am very keen on working on this project, gaining in-depth understanding
on this and taking it further.

Also, as the proposal deadline is just around the corner, I would be really
grateful if I could connect with all the mentors on a Zoom/GMeets call to
discuss the project

Thanks a lot
Simrann Arora
GitHub Handle - @simrann20
Sugar-devel mailing list

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