*GSOC Meeting Summary – 17th August, 22:00 IST  *
Dear Sugar Labs community,
In this meeting, we covered several important aspects related to ongoing
projects and activities. Below is a detailed summary of what was discussed:

*Riya's partClassify-Cats Activity*- Currently the introduction is not
readable as it's in a very small font and there is a very Little timespan
of 3 seconds, not letting the player know and understand the instructions
- After discussing a few methods, we agreed upon making the font size for
the instructions larger so that it catches players attention first. and
later we can add a help button, which will show a detailed instruction for
all gameplay.

*Make-Them-Fall Activity*- Discussed an issue regarding the inconsistency
of the 'back' button on different screen sizes.

*Math-Hurdler*- A draft PR is open and will be attended to after other PRs
are merged.

*Dimitris' partHelp with activity release*- Check github for the guidelines
for releasing new versions of the 2 cars and Flappy projects.

*SSH Connection for Testing*- Ibiam suggested setting up an SSH connection
between the host and the VM (using rsync or scp) to streamline the process
of testing activities.

*Chat-Activity Pixel Issue*- Discussed the chat activity’s missing pixels
issue. It was concluded that this is not a functional issue and thus not a
priority for fixing.

*TextDungeon Activity*- Since changes made to the TextDungeon activity
completely changed the original activity, we discussed the need to
brainstorm and select a new name for the new activity.

*Licensing Considerations*- Explored the possibility of using different
licenses for the new version of the TextDungeon activity, instead of the
current GPLv license. The MIT License was suggested as a potential

Best wishes,
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