
On Wednesday 16 April 2008 16:47, Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> Ion has the ability to launch different types of workspaces. There are
> three by default (although we could add to that). One of these is a
> floating workspace. It's rather bad, but it works, and I think it would
> be pretty cool to have as an option.

Ion also has an quite difficult upstream author.

I'd suggest you look into awesome, see http://awesome.naquadah.org/

awesome is developed in a nice, friendly & open team, the sources are kept in 
git, patches are welcomed, the licence and the configuration file syntax is 
sane and easy (and not lua, as powerful as it is) and much more. 

http://lists.naquadah.org/awesome_naquadah.org/msg01520.html describes the 
roadmap to version 3, which will use XCB, which might also be interesting...

Summary: have a look at it, it's awesome ;-)


(the F1-F4 switching is possible with awesome as with ion.)

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