On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 9:59 AM, John Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Somebody who implemented Sugar in the early days clearly didn't
>  understand the X11 networked graphics model -- or didn't mind breaking
>  it for expediency -- but they only broke it in small ways, which are
>  pretty easily patched up.

The fact that it's broken only in small ways is *not* accidental. We
understood X11, but we also understood the non-standard UI design we
had to implement. The current implementation is one of the possible
tradeoffs to be able to express the new UI metaphors by reusing
standard X11 semantics.

As Walter said compatibility was not considered a very high priority
at the time. One year of experience and UI design changes later, I'm
confident that we can easily refactor the window management layer to
fix the broken compatibility bits.

To be really useful though, we will have to solve compatibility issues
in rainbow, datastore and activities distribution (.xo). And those are
much trickier.

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