One thing I observe is that it takes considerable time from when I 
click on 'Shutdown' in the Main view, until the XO actually stops.

Happened to see the Linux shutdown messages (Is there a way to ask 
for these instead of the "don't do these" screen?) and it seemed to 
several times attempt to do something with a .security directory 
(which I don't have) -- each time timing out.  I believe that if 
accessing a missing .security directory were not repeated, 
considerable time would be saved in the duration of shutdown.


p.s.  What my XO display shows me for a specific situation is not
       100% consistent.  An example is shutdown -- about 1 in 40
       times, instead of the "don't do these" screen I've seen the
       Linux shutdown messages, or I've seen out-of-sync garbage.

       Likewise, about 1 in 30 times, when during booting the 'circle
       of dots' gets near 8 o'clock the screen goes a uniform dark
       gray, and stays that way until the Main view cursor shows.

       [I've seen other questionable display contents -- but the
        above ones occur frequently enough for me to remember.]

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