Le jeudi 24 juillet 2008 à 03:36 -0400, Ankur Verma a écrit :
> As per our earlier discussion, the method at present is to use
> roster.py, which you are planning to remove in the next versions.

Humm not really. Using the roster is and will always be a sane way to
find contacts. But, as you can guess, it assumes that the contact is in
your roster.
Currently this is a sane assumption because of the shared roster hack.
But when we'll drop it, that won't be true anymore.

> As roster.py also uses Telepathy to get the nicks of XO who have
> subscribed or are friends, are there any alternative functions which I
> can use to fetch the list of XOs? I am ready to look more into
> telepathy specs, but I am curious to know the answer.

The plan with Gadget is to allow user to request random buddies (and
activities) or perform search based on different criteria. As you can
see on [1], currently only search based on buddy properties is
implemented but we plan to add alias search soon (maybe next week if you
really need it).

So for now, I suggest you to use a server with the shared roster hack or
manually subscribe your SMS user with a test buddy for your tests.
So you could test most of the part of your app and just change it to use
alias search later.



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