> Hi All,
> >
> > I just got word from a decision maker in Uruguay that they are very
> > concerned about "performance". They say that Sugar is slow. I'm probing
> > to get more details but I want to evaluate the options in parallel.
> >
> > Focus is on improving this in 8.2.0.
> >
> > Here are the areas I can think of:
> > - Activity launch time
> > I know we had some threads on this but I don't know where we stand. Can
> > I get an update and an evaluation of what it will take to greatly
> > improve this?
> >
> > - File/activity open
> > Can we improve this? A piece of the latency here may be due to a large
> > Journal being much slower. Can we "chunk" journal reads or otherwise
> > improve the speed of opening files? Can we speed up journal access in
> > its own GUI too?
> >
> > - File save
> > What is the bottle neck on save? Let's create a test case for this.
> >
> > - Task switching
> > I've seen some threads on this. Can someone summarize it and give me a
> > hard number to show how we have improved?
> >
> > - Hardware
> > Can anyone evaluate how much faster it would be with twice the RAM? Is
> > the NAND slowing us down?

I think a great idea to speed it up would be to have a puppy linux as a base
operating system, instead of a fedora 7.0.
Fedora needs more resources than we have in an XO.

I'm new here, i don't know how this works, just an idea.
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