I loaded a LiveCD into a laptop that I had to let my Daughter try out OLPC.

She entered her name and then went to the next screen and then took like 5
min to find the person that was a color that she wanted.  Questions she
asked, can I go back?

I don't think so.

Is there a different way to choose the colors?

How many colors are there?


So I thought about it some.

I was thinking about putting a block on each side of the person, one for the
outside color and one for the inside color.

Then if you click on the person all three would change color.

Then if you click on a block then it would pop up the color selection tool
and just let you pick a color.

The same would work for the other block.

Also maybe a right click would let you go back.


I attached a jpg of what it might look like.


Kind regards,

Jerry Williams


<<attachment: newcolor1.jpg>>

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