> See http://dev.laptop.org/~mdengler/6995/6995_screenshot_45.png
> for an example of how I currently have it looking.

Thank you.

Currently, I use the presence of a 'Disconnect' entry in the palette 
as a "mnemonic device" to indicate to me that a connection currently 
exists.  Would be nice to keep that.


p.s.  For laughs:   Now that you are *explicitly* showing channel 
numbers -- I have a friend whose home AP is on channel 9.  At his 
house, I manually use 'iwconfig' to set my XO's radio to channel 9, 
to be able to connect to his AP.  I haven't tried setting multiple 
XOs to channel 9 when there is no AP -- but if "mesh" were 
configured to run that way, would your palette show that?   ;>)

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