> I surveyed authors/maintainers of activities hosted in dev.laptop.org
> git over the past few weeks. The results are summarised at
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Morgs/Activities_survey

I wish that your list were more of a reference document.  [For 
instance, you have left off authors *you* know are keeping 
up-to-date -- but not everyone knows who is being active.]

Plus, my list of "interesting" Activities is longer than yours.  I 
presume that is because you have left off not only known "active" 
authors, but also "not contactable" authors.  Nevertheless, if there 
was no response for Activities deemed useful, they ought to be 
listed centrally anyway -- in the hope that someone would step up 
and volunteer to follow up on what is happening with that Activity.

It would also help if there were a compendium of contact information 
available.  As it is, one has to search in the Activity's wiki page. 
[For instance, what is the address of the Map activity maintainer?]

Thanks for a good job,  mikus

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