On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 4:11 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> 11 replace matchbox with a more traditional desktop window manager, with
> the ability to fullscreen windows when appropriate.

I've been using the Awesome window manager[1] on my XO lately for standard X
apps, perhaps it should be up for consideration?

It's really fast and light, supports a mix of fullscreen and floating
windows plus unlimited virtual desktops.  It also has a tiling mode for
people who want that, but it's completely optional.  I use it as a tabbed
window manager and ignore the tiling.  Recent versions are also scriptable
using Lua, which isn't Python but at least is very lightweight and fast.

Another thing to consider is adding support in Sugar for various
freedesktop.org standards, like system tray applets.  If someone is using
Skype, it would be great for them to get their status icon in the Frame, and
have the Frame automatically appear when they get a call.  Same goes for an
email client with a new mail notification feature.


[1] - http://awesome.naquadah.org/
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