Hello Scott,

I chatted a bit with Eben on how to go forward on the Journal, and we think
it would be good to make it *the* topic for tomorrow design meeting. Are you
able to make it? It's at 11.30 your time, on irc.

There are two main things that I really want to figure out:

* What is the actual UI going to look like. The tagging system you are
proposing is really nice and it would good to start iterating on mockups for
it, so that we can get Eben and Christian signoffs :)
* How we are going to integrate it in the code base. In particular activity
API break (or compatibility) is something we will need to nail down soon.

Do you think your ideas are mature enough for this kind of discussion? Or do
you need more time to evolve the prototype before starting the actual
implementation discussion?

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