On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 9:24 PM, C. Scott Ananian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let's hammer this out in person at the planning meeting, because it
> depends on OLPC picking a release date.

Yeah, make sense. As I said, I think we (as SL) should defer decisions about
the freeze slip until the meetings anyway.

>  I've been arguing for March,
> but I don't think there is consensus on that yet.  If OLPC aims for
> early March, and you slip Sugar feature freeze to late January, then
> you're right, we're reasonably consistent.  If OLPC decides to aim for
> April or later, however, then it seems we're getting out of sync.
> I'd like to avoid the situation we had in 8.2, where sugar was in
> string freeze while OLPC was still in active development, with lots of
> major features not even written yet.  We worked that out very
> successfully, via lots of "special exceptions" to the string freeze,
> but I'd like to try to avoid having to go that way in 9.1 if we can.
> It would be better if we all just agree on some dates.

I think it will be possible to do better than 8.2, especially if we can get
OLPC to settle on solid dates the week of the 17 :)

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