Ar 13/11/2008 am 01:18, ysgrifennodd Brendan R. Powers:
> Hi,
> I did not mean to suggest ripping out telepathy and dbus, and replacing it 
> with xmlrpc. My thought on the subject was that dbus may not be well suited 
> for network communication because it's a binary protocol. The problem comes 
> in when the application on the other side of the tube does not speak native 
> dbus(php or java apps). I think xmlrpc may be a good alternative in this case 
> because it is very simple, and its an established rpc standard on the web. 
> Its also a XMPP standard(XEP 0009). There are several ways you could 
> introduce this without breaking everything in the process, for instance, a 
> new tube type could be created to support xmlrpc, like there is for dbus. 
> That way, applications could choose to use the rpc mechanism that made sense 
> for that app.

I think XML-RPC could be useful, but I'm worried that its usefulness would be

As I understand it, XML-RPC is more or less a client-server protocol, whereas
D-Bus gives us quite useful semantics for group communication. It's true that
D-Bus is not as widespread as things stand, and sending binary messages over
XML has always felt a bit nasty. I doubt our protocol will get standardised in
its current form, but I also think that XML-RPC is a less useful model for
writing collaborative applications.

We should certainly consider all our options though.

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