On 27.11.2008, at 08:50, Edward Cherlin wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Walter Bender <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
>> I suggest you approach Chuck Kane at OLPC directly. If for some  
>> reason
>> he cannot accommodate the request, then we should discuss alternative
>> means to deploy Sugar.
>> -walter
>> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Yamandu Ploskonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> > wrote:
>>> (from Werner Westermann, [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
>>> Best regards from Santiago, Chile.
>>> In May of this year, we had exciting news where the ICT-Schools  
>>> program of the
>>> Department of Education, Enlaces (http://www.enlaces.cl), asked  
>>> Educalibre
>>> (http://www.educalibre.cl/) to propose a OLPC deployment project.  
>>> Enlaces previously met
>>> with a OLPC and Brightstar representatives asuring a total of 1000  
>>> XOs. We went on to
>>> develop the proposal and negociate where to deploy the iniciative  
>>> (Enlaces required us
>>> to engage rural areas, outside of the Metropolitan Area, among  
>>> others):
>>> http://wiki.educalibre.cl/index.php/Propuesta_OLPC_Chile
>>> Unfortunately, as you can see, the proposal was frustrated,  
>>> because as Brightstar
>>> distributor and partner of the OLPC Foundation, argued that it  
>>> would not be possible for
>>> the Chilean State to purchase only 1,000 XOs, but would consider a  
>>> minimum of 10,000 XO.
>>> Faced with this sudden change of turn and the impossibility of  
>>> buying that quantity
>>> off-budget, Enlaces decided to discard the possibility that the XO  
>>> came into the hands
>>> of our children.
> This is perfectly idiotic. The Give Many page
> http://laptop.org/en/participate/give-many.shtml
> says
> The Give Many program allows donors to bring one laptop per child to
> whole classes and schools, and includes Give 100 and Give 1,000
> programs. It offers hundreds of students a new way of learning that is
> creative, collaborative and self-empowered.
>    *  - $219 per laptop to OLPC partner countries and LDCs
>    * - $259 per laptop to the rest of the world
> Every donation of 100 or more laptops includes spare parts. Donations
> of 1,000 laptops or more are eligible for in-person assistance from
> OLPC staff.
> To become a Give Many donor, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your
> project timeline, and with details about the receiving school or
> group.
> Doesn't anybody at OLPC pay attention to what they tell the public?

This version of the give many program is only up for a day or so. It  
is indeed much nicer than the previous one:
To give 100 or more laptops and direct them to a location you  
designate, send email to givemany at laptop.org

Give 100+ $310 per laptop

Give 1000+ $260 per laptop

Give 10,000+ $210 per laptop

In each case, the donor designates where the laptops are sent.

For general information about the many ways you can give laptops  
through the One Laptop per Child Foundation, please send email to  
service at laptopgiving.org


- Bert -

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