On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, David Hrbáč wrote:

arnebjarn...@hotmail.com napsal(a):
1) I'll managed to compile 1.6.3 against the included python 2.3 on my
out-of-the-box CentOS 4.7 (with a couple of patches :-) )

2) I can't compile subversion 1.6.3 with the system-included neon. I can
however compile it using libserf which is allready available at RPMforge.
(see http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/INSTALL -> * libserf)
Does anybody know if svn works acceptable with libserf instead of neon?

-> Source4: http://www.xsteve.at/prg/emacs/psvn.el
Is allready available in the subversion package in
./subversion-1.6.3/contrib/client-side/emacs/psvn.pl so no need for
external dependency??

4) the configure still complains about swig version 1.3.39 is not
supported. only up to 1.3.36.
Are there any reasons that it has to be version 1.3.39 ?

I'll try merging your subversion.spec with mine to see if it works :-)

(note: sqlite-amalgamation is howefter still needed :-/ )


ad 1) yes you are right, without bindings, svn 1.6.3 builds fine on
centos 4.x.
ad 2) libserf shloud be enough.

As to you python pathes, I suggest the different way.
Have some file, e.g. compat.py with
   def sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False):
       l = list(iterable)
       if key:
           l = [(key(i), i) for i in l]
       if key:
           l = [i[1] for i in l]
       if reverse:
       return l
And finally only include:
from compat import sorted

Yes, that's definitely the preferred way to do it. And ideally patches like these should move upstream.

--   dag wieers,  d...@wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
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