Hi I saw that ffmpeg 0.6.1 is now in rpmforge ... thank you.

I am tring to install the ffmpeg source rpm but it is giving me an error

########################################### [100%]
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ffmpeg-0.6.1.tar.bz2;4cfd8243: cpio: MD5 sum mismatch

the srpm has the following md5sum
# md5sum ffmpeg-0.6.1-1.rf.src.rpm
0e45a3b61666b0b8242a18c577cae925  ffmpeg-0.6.1-1.rf.src.rpm

I have checkd diskspace, different mirrors etc

Are you able to double check the file?


On 01/12/10 12:29, Grant Street wrote:

I'm in the process of creating a custom ffmpeg based on 0.6.1 but there are a
few dependancies that have to be updated.
So before I go through uninstalling vlc,mplayer, libquicktime, ffmpeg and
recompiling them all, I was wondering if I could help you guys, talk about
caveats or should I go it alone.

I am planning to do the same, in fact I have been delaying this for RHEL6
as it impacts RHEL5 and RHEL4 too.

Do you need some help? do you want me to get started and submit spec
files? Have you done much already?


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