Dear friends and users
the following road safety conference might be of interest to you.

DLR organizes the international conference ICTCT 2020 this year. It is scheduled on 22.-23.10.2020 at DLR in Berlin. The ICTCT is the International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic safety. Some former partners of the DYREKT-proposal are members or rather members of the steering committee of this organization. You can find more information about the ICTCT and the conference here: and here:

The call for abstracts is here: The deadline has already been postponed to 15.06.2020.

Particularly, students are invited to attend. There will be a limited amount of student grants. Also, the ICTCT organizes a Traffic Safety Researcher’s Course, 20.-21.10.2020 (also at DLR):

Please forward the information to potentially interested colleagues and students.

We hope the COVID-19 situation will ease off and the conference will take place as planned.
We would be happy to welcome you in Berlin!

Best regards,
Michael on behalf of the ICTCT team
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