these times are not yet available via TraCI. You can only get them via the
GUI (right-click vehicle and enable 'Show Link Items') and via xml output (
The relevant code is in
(Though this code is due for a refactoring so the places might change,


Am Fr., 18. Jan. 2019 um 09:01 Uhr schrieb <hannes.rew...@ovgu.de>:

> Hello dear all,
> in [1] you provide a description about the road intersection model of
> SUMO. One section covers the estimation of link entry and exit times
> for each vehicle approaching an intersection. As far as I see, that
> estimation is not available via TraCI although the vehicle command
> "getNextTLS" seems to appear as the most suitable one for that kind of
> information.
> Is it possible to query estimated entry or exit times via TraCI for
> each vehicle and I have overlooked that feature?
> Can you also point me to the relevant methods in your code which
> perform this estimation?
> Best, and thanks for your help!
> Hannes
> [1] https://elib.dlr.de/84363/
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