Hi again,
On a first look at the other kind of emission outputs:

trip information -  I tried the following approach and it seems to behave:
  a)    added   MSDevice_Emissions::notifyIdle(SUMOTrafficObject& veh)  + 
(virtual method in MSMoveReminders)    which calls      myEmissions.addScaled
  b)    added   MSVehicle::addIdleEmissions()  which iterates over the move 
reminders invoking notifyIdle
  c)    invoke  MSVehicle::addIdleEmissions()   from  
MSVehicleTransfer::checkInsertions   when the insertion fails

Color vehicles by emission:
The current code does not recognise that the vehicle is not on the net - so a 
parked or stopped vehicle never has zero emissions
 - can be corrected by  changing the rellevant cases in        
GUIVehicle::getColorValue    to the equivalent of:
        case 14:
            if ( isOnRoad() || isTryingToEnterNet() )
                return getCO2Emissions();
                return 0.;

     but I might be nervous about a performance impact for large simulations?

Edge/Lane emission aggregations
  I can't see a clean way to do these - the parked vehicle has lost the 
MSMeanData_Emissions::MSLaneMeanDataValues  MSMoveReminder
    adding this back then handling lane re-entry would be a horrible kludge.

Arguably the Edge/Lane emissions should not have the parking related emissions 
anyway - it feels like the correct approach would be to add a specific 
MSMoveReminder for parking emissions - then add it when the vehicle is parked 
and remove when re-entering the lane?

Any thoughts welcome!

Whilst looking at this I noted that the definition of     enum Notification     
in  MSMoveReminder.h    has  NOTIFICATION_PARKING_REROUTE  appended to the enum.
 however the enum has a comment, ("All notifications below must result in the 
vehicle not being on the net..."), that suggests NOTIFICATION_PARKING_REROUTE  
is in the wrong place?

-------- Original Message --------

> On 23 Feb 2020, 21:14, Jakob Erdmann < namdre.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The approach sounds reasonable. However, it won't cover all kinds of 
>> emission outputs:
>> https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Models/Emissions.html#outputs
>> cheers,
>> Jakob
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