even the kraussOrig Model has quite some deviations from the work of
Krauss. It is based directly on equation 4.8 in the dissertation and
actually is more like the approach of Gipps discussed at the start of
Section 5.1. (vSafe is derived directly from braking distance which are
quadratic in speed).
The exact commit where the original Krauss equation was changed to the
current version dates to 2007 (
I would assume this was done to fix collisions but the exact reason would
have to be given by D. Krajewicz.

Some points of note when relating Krauss to KraussOrig1:
- in the SUMO-Krauss model (not KraussOrig1), braking distances are
computed depending on the position update rule since  an euler-like update
(move with the speed of the current step) leads to other braking distances
than a ballistic update (move with the average speed of previous and
current step).
- follow speed is a special case of stopping speed (where stop distance =
gap + leaderBrakeGap)
- special care is taken when vehicles have different braking capabilities
because the Krauss equation 4.8 does not guarantee save driving in this
case (https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.04927)


Am Fr., 8. Jan. 2021 um 12:02 Uhr schrieb SHANTANU PHANSE <

> Hello Sir/Mam,
> I am new to SUMO. I am learning about the microscopic car following model.
> My problem is that I am unable to relate the kraussOrig model in the
> simulator and the krauss model's theory. I am referring to the attached
> papers for the theory.
> Please guide me through this.
> Thanks and Regards
> Shantanu Phanse
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