Hi all,
I want to model electric vehicles with DUA. But, it seems I am doing something 
wrong and i don't know how to fix it.

What I did is
1- use Netcovert with .nod.xml and .edg.xml to genetate .net.xml2- use od2trips 
with .taz.xml and .od-matrix.xml to genrate .trips.xml      >>  vtype is not 
defined in the output file3- use python duaIterate.py -n ND.net.xml -t 
ND.trips.xml -+ additionalFile.add.xml -l 3 sumo--device.battery.probability 0.5
additionalFile defines the chargingStation and vtype for electric vehicles and 
ordinary cars
.rou.alt.xml still not containes any distribution of vtype amoung routes
4- use sumo-gui   but neither EV nor charging stations visible in the model. 
Also, Battery.out.xml  contains vehicle with battery capacity different than 
what defined in additionalFilechargingstations.xml  is an empty file

What could be my mistake?

Thank youBest Regards,Ahmed 

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