Dear all,

found the culprit: the option 'no internal links' was switched on in NETEDIT, I am unsure how that happened. I only found out by comparing my network to a previous one I built. The 'no internal links' option seems somewhat odd, as vehicles are not displayed on their actual position. I.e., TraCI will then report E2 detectors with vehicles on them, that in the UI are actually not occupied (yet/anymore).
Anyway, it works like a charm once again!


On 26-6-2018 15:49, Menno van der Woude wrote:
Dear all,

in a network I made I am experiencing behaviour of vehicles that seems odd. The vehicles drive normally, but upon reaching a junction, teleport to the other side. Also, while waiting for a traffic light, they seem not to leave any distance between them.

I am unaware of having changed any defaults with respect to behaviour. The network was made using a recent development version of NETEDIT, the traffic lights are controlled using TraCI. Is there a setting I can use to correct the described behaviour?

Thanks, regards,

Menno van der Woude

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