Hello Sumo Community
I tried to test the Sumo Filter
    traci.vehicle.addSubscriptionFilterDownstreamDistance(200.0) and
I through that,  with this both Filter function we can have in the defined 
distance along the network all vehicles in the last simulation step. I was 
wondering why this Filter-method don't give the value of vehicles which is on 
the opposite lane, even if this vehicle in the define upstream and downstream.
These two methods just give values of vehicles which is in the same direction 
of ego ?
Like I understand this method is like a unequal ellipsoid. So that the user can 
define how long forward the ellipsoid would be (UpstreamDistance) and how long 
in behind (DownstreamDistance)
If this is not the Case which kind, of Filter could we use to be able to have a 
king of ellipsoid with is not lane or route specific.

Thak you for your help


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