Sumo comes with two graphical tools: SUMO-GUI (for watching the simulation)
and NETEDIT (for editing the network etc.).
In your screenshot you are using sumo-gui. You can press CTRL+T to open up
the same spot in netedit and then build the roundabout).
Some people find it easier to edit their networks in a graphical manner
while others prefer coding them up via XML. Do whatever suits you best.


Am So., 10. Mai 2020 um 05:31 Uhr schrieb lenri001 <lenri...@ucr.edu>:

> Hello all,
> I am new to this software, so I apologize if this question is trivial. My
> goal is to import a map from openstreetmap and replace some intersections
> with roundabouts. After importing a map to sumo, I followed this tutorial
> https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/NETEDIT.html#converting_an_intersection_into_a_roundabout
> ,
> however when I right click the lanes it does not show the option ''split
> edges in both directions''. I used osmWebWizard.py to obtain the xml; I am
> not sure if that is the problem.
> Also as a side note, I saw a roundabout being programmed like so:
> https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks. What is the pro/cons of coding in the
> roundabout compared to first method shown above. I was a little confused
> about this. Thank you for the help.
> /SUMO_Road_Networks.html#roundabouts
> <
> http://sumo-user-mailing-list.90755.n8.nabble.com/file/t386/Screenshot_from_2020-05-09_20-05-22.png>
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