
the GEH of routeSampler.py compares the turncounts.xml with the computed
rou.xml, doesn't it? 
Does this GEH <5 for more than 85 % already mean that the flows are
consistent? Or are there more GEH measurements necessary for a whole
simulation? routeSampler computes a GEH for every edgeRelation for one hour?

My input data were traffic counts that were made at different times (same
time of day but different days, month and even years) so theses counts
usually shouldn't fit and need to be scaled. Does the GEH give me feedback
whether or not the turncounts do now fit and are consistent? 

Also I don't understand the message for underflow and overflow. What does
min and max in this context mean? And Q1, Q3? 

"Optimization succeeded
Wrote 6789 routes (1986 distinct) achieving total count 10692 at 82
locations. GEH<5 for 76.83%
Warning: underflow locations: count 62, min 1.00 (('24654525#8',
'24654535#0')), max 270.00 (('692480562#1', '461910873#1')), mean 43.10 Q1
4.00, median 12.00, Q3 53.00 (total 2672)
Warning: overflow locations: count 16, min -41.00 (('28497111#1',
'24654539#1')), max -1.00 (('-437325042', '24654539#1')), mean -7.06 Q1
-7.00, median -4.00, Q3 -1.00 (total -113)"

Besides, if I leave out the optimization option I get a GEH <5 for 100%.
Both are missing the route with count 8.  Without the optimization there are
more vehicles in total in the simulation. So the simulation is "better"
without optimization? It is closer to my turncount.xml which has a total
count of 13251 vehicles, so only the 8 vehicles of the missing route are
also missing. 

"Warning: no routes pass edge '460206986#0 25219757#2' (count 8)
Wrote 7756 routes (1628 distinct) achieving total count 13243 at 82
locations. GEH<5 for 100.00%
Warning: underflow locations: count 1, min 8.00 (('460206986#0',
'25219757#2')), max 8.00 (('460206986#0', '25219757#2')), mean 8.00 Q1 8.00,
median 8.00, Q3 8.00 (total 8)

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