Hello all,

Thank you for the great ideas Jakob,

1) Can you please explain what you mean when you say to place the two edges
on top of each other with reversed geometries? Do they share the same
nodes? (my failed attempts are below)

2) Is a collision supposed to be detected in SUMO GUI with a warning
message or something like that in the output?

I attempted your method #2 in two ways. (I also tried simply narrowing the
lane width and widening the cars on a regular two-way road, but it seems
it's only for visualization; I think it had no effect because I got no
message in SUMO GUI of a collision or issue).

   - When any 2 edges (parallel and opposite in direction) were connected
   to the same 2 nodes, as much as I tried in NetEdit to make the edges
   overlap, NetEdit automatically changed the Y-coordinates in the shapes of
   the lanes to make them not overlap. So that did not work.

   - I then made the edges in each direction connected to a different set
   of nodes (as in the code snippet below), and made the nodes almost fully
   overlap each other but without them merging. The result was that visually
   the lanes were above each other, but again SUMO GUI showed no sign of an
   issue or collision as the vehicles passed through each other and kept going.

[image: image.png]

> *<nodes>    <node id="1" x="225.20" y="6.55" type="dead_end"/>    <node
> id="2" x="105.78" y="1.76" type="priority"/>    <node id="3" x="-0.74"
> y="8.28" type="dead_end"/>    <node id="4" x="-0.47" y="5.09"
> type="dead_end"/>    <node id="5" x="105.77" y="3.57" type="priority"/>
> <node id="6" x="225.86" y="3.23" type="dead_end"/></nodes>*

> *<edges>    <edge id="1to2" from="1" to="2" priority="1" numLanes="1"
> speed="13.89" shape="224.85,1.44 105.78,1.76" spreadType="center"/>
> <edge id="2to3" from="2" to="3" priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="13.89"
> shape="105.78,1.76 -1.68,3.11" spreadType="center"/>    <edge id="4to5"
> from="4" to="5" priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="13.89" shape="-0.48,3.46
> 105.80,1.92" spreadType="center"/>    <edge id="5to6" from="5" to="6"
> priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="13.89" shape="105.77,1.92 225.90,1.59"
> spreadType="center"/></edges>*

On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 7:30 PM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> right now, full bidirectional operation is only possible with trains.
> You have two methods to emulate the desired behavior for cars:
> 1) by using opposite direction driving (
> https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/OppositeDirectionDriving.html)
>   - place lots of standing cars as obstacles on the road. Vehicles will be
> forced on the opposite side to pass the obstacles.
>   - areas without obstacles are the detour locations.
> 2)
> - place two edges going in opposite direction directly on top of each
> other (i.e. by setting attribute spreadType="center" and giving them the
> reversed geometry).
> - use TraCI to detect dangerous situations
> - call vehicle.setStop(...,flags=traci.constants.STOP_PARKING) to clear
> the road for oncoming traffic and avoid a collision
> regards,
> Jakob
> Am So., 17. Mai 2020 um 03:00 Uhr schrieb K M <kadrimu...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a novel situation that I need to model and I would like to know if
>> it is technically possible in SUMO:
>> I must model a one lane road which operates in both directions, i.e. the
>> road does not have a lane in each direction, it is literally one lane used
>> by vehicles going in opposite directions, obviously towards each other.
>> (Just for context, the idea is to make the oncoming vehicles somehow
>> (perhaps using TraCI or something) avoid colliding into each other by
>> detecting each other from a distance and then one of them rerouting into a
>> small pit-stop or shoulder or D-tour until it safe to get back on the road
>> and continue moving forward.)
>> Is it even technically possible to code such a road in SUMO?
>> Thank you,
>> Kadri
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