--vclass passenger is the correct way to put that option.
The automatic sink detection looks for edges without successor edge to
identify sinks. You can often create sinks by removing turn-around
connections a the fringe of the network (there are also netconvert options
for this) .
Alternatively, you can specify the sources and sinks explicitly but loading
detectors that are classified as source or sink.

However, if you're starting from scratch I would recommend to use
routeSampler.py instead of flowrouter for urban scenarios because it makes
it easier to achieve realistic routes (hitting the counts is often not
enough for a good simulation).


Am Do., 28. Mai 2020 um 13:07 Uhr schrieb Evans, Barry <b.ev...@exeter.ac.uk

> Hi all,
> I have some traffic flow data from counts for a city and I was looking to
> use either DF Router or flowrouter.py. Looking on other threads I saw that
> flowrouter.py may be best option as I’m modelling flows within a city area.
> I am having issues however with the routes.
> I’ve been using the following command:
> flowrouter.py -n myosm.net.xml -d MyDetectors.det.xml -f MyNewFlows.csv -o
> newroutes.xml -e newflows.xml -v passenger -i 60
> However when I go to run my simulation I get an error “Vehicle
> '188428824_447312810.qPKW.60.0' is not allowed to depart on any lane of its
> first edge. Quitting (on error)”
> When I look at the first edge in this vehicles route it is placed on a
> pedestrian sidewalk which is why the vehicle can’t depart.
> None of my detectors are located on sidewalks so I am confused as to why
> vehicles are being placed on there during their journeys. Is there a way to
> prevent this from happening?
> Note 1: I’ve managed to prevent this in DF Router using the disallow edges
> parameter where I have a list of all edges that are sidewalks but DF Router
> discards the majority of the detectors so I get isolated traffic flows.
> Note 2: I’m not sure if I’ve used the –v passenger command correctly. I’ve
> tried --vclass passenger but then I get “Error! No sinks found.”
> Could someone provide me with some advice on how to ensure vehicles are
> only routed on roads that will allow them.
> Thank you in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Barry
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