
I am working with the Bologna scenario from https://github.com/DLR-TS/sumo-scenarios/tree/master/bologna. I use the python library sumolib.

Could it be possible that an edge in the route file doesn't exist in the network? I'm running into this problem:
net = load_network('joined_buslanes.net.xml')
for route in sumolib.output.parse_fast('joined.rou.xml', 'route', ['edges']):
     for edge in route.edges.split():
KeyError: 'b32'

18 out of the 11079 routes contain the edge 'b32', which can't be found in the network.

For what I'm trying to do I can just discard the 18 routes but it makes me wonder if I did anything wrong or if there is a inconsistency in the files.

Have a good day,
Antoine Huchet

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