To disable strategic laneChanging completely, you can either
- set laneChangeMode
- or set lcStrategic="-1"

because only setting lcStrategic="0" still allows changing at the end of
the lane.

lcSpeedGain="0"  still is equivalent to lcSpeedGain="0.001" in version
1.13.0 but disables changing for speedGain completely in the development
version (

lcCooperative="0" prevents cooperative changing if there is any
inconvenience. However, if you set lcSpeedGain="0" lcCooperative="0" a
vehicle might still perform a cooperative change if the target lane affords
higher speed. To achieve the same affect as disabled-via-lane-change-mode
you can set lcCooperative="-1" (again, this requires the dev version)


Am Do., 12. Mai 2022 um 08:49 Uhr schrieb Hriday Sanghvi via sumo-user <>:

> Hello Jakob,
> Thank you for the update. So if I understand correctly: to completely
> disable strategic lane changing by SUMO, I have to
> 1. set the laneChangeMode bits 0 and 1 (for strategic lane changes) to 0
> AND also
> 2. set lcStrategic to -1 in my routes files for the vType
> Because only setting relevant laneChangeMode bits and then setting
> lcStrategic=1 may still allow strategic lane changes at the end of the lane?
> Is this also true for lcSpeedGain and lcCooperative? Since there are also
> changes in behaviour when I isolate lcCooperative parameter (keeping
> lcStrategic and lcSpeedGain fixed at 1), i.e.,
> a. when I set laneChangeMode bits 2 and 3 to 0, and set lcCooperative to 1,
> vs.
> b. when I set laneChangeMode bits 2 and 3 to 0, and set lcCooperative to 0,
> I would have expected a. and b. to give me the same behaviour/time to
> complete the simulation, since I believe laneChangeMode completely disabled
> certain types of lane changes - but it seems that the lcParams still have
> some effect. Please advise.
> Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Hriday
> On Thu, 12 May 2022 at 06:36, Jakob Erdmann <> wrote:
>> The key difference is that the laneChangeMode completely disables
>> strategic lane changing whereas lcStrategic="0" only sets the strategic
>> lookahead distance to the minimum possible value. Vehicles will still
>> perform a strategic laneChange when reaching the very end of their lane.
>> You can set lcStrategic to a negative value to disable strategic lane
>> changing completely but this was (until now) undocumented.
>> regards,
>> Jakob
>> Am Di., 10. Mai 2022 um 19:11 Uhr schrieb Hriday Sanghvi via sumo-user <
>>> Hello again,
>>> I use *lc_params* to refer to the 3 parameters lcStrategic,
>>> lcCooperative, and lcSpeedGain in the previous email, and *lc_mode *to
>>> refer to the lane changing mode. To clarify, here are some experimental
>>> results for each case for 100 vehicles on a 1000 m road with 2 free lanes
>>> (NO blockages):
>>> +-----------------+---------+------+
>>> | *lc_params*       | *lc_mode* | *Time* |
>>> +-----------------+---------+------+
>>> | Set to 1        | 512     | *241*  |
>>> +-----------------+---------+------+
>>> | Unset (default) | 512     | *241*  |
>>> +-----------------+---------+------+
>>> | Set to 0        | 512     | 172  |
>>> +-----------------+---------+------+
>>> | Set to 1        | 1621    | *204*  |
>>> +-----------------+---------+------+
>>> | Unset (default) | 1621    | *204*  |
>>> +-----------------+---------+------+
>>> | Set to 0        | 1621    | 218  |
>>> +-----------------+---------+------+
>>> As seen from the table, Regardless of whether the lc_params are set to
>>> their default value (1) explicitly, or if they are unset (default value is
>>> used), the result (time in steps) of the simulation stays the same in both
>>> cases of the lc_mode (512 and 1621). This is in line with my understanding.
>>> However, when the lc_mode is set to 512, lc_params should in fact make no
>>> difference since the behaviour controlled by these lc_params were already
>>> deactivated - namely, do no strategic changes, do no cooperative changes
>>> and do no speed gain changes.
>>> So what I gather is that there is some form of hierarchy - Which
>>> parameter do I set to overwrite the other no matter what? Or why would
>>> setting lc_params to 0 in the case of lc_mode = 512 make a difference?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Hriday
>>> On Tue, 10 May 2022 at 14:01, Hriday Sanghvi <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> *My belief*: The lane change mode 512 is supposed to disable all
>>>> autonomous lane-changing except for safety-gap enforcement and collision
>>>> avoidance. So setting lcSpeedGain=0 or lcStrategic=0 should be pointless,
>>>> since that is the same effect achieved by setting lane change mode to 512,
>>>> since bits 0 through 6 are all set to 0 : do no strategic changes, do no
>>>> cooperative changes, do no speed gain changes, do no right drive changes;
>>>> *Discovery*: When I set *lcStrategic=0, lcCooperative=0, and
>>>> lcSpeedGain=0*  on my vType anyway as such:
>>>> <vType lcStrategic="0" lcCooperative="0" lcSpeedGain="0" carFollowModel
>>>> ="Krauss" color="0,1,0" id="veh" latAlignment="center" lcKeepRight="0"
>>>> lcLookaheadLeft="1" lcOvertakeRight="1" lcSpeedGainRight="1" length="5"
>>>> sigma="0" speedDev="0" speedFactor="1.0" />
>>>> The behaviour seems to have changed drastically.
>>>> With an LC mode of 512,
>>>> *1. Without setting the 3 lcParams*, it takes 100 vehicles *477s *to
>>>> reach the end of a 1000m road with 2 lanes, with a small blockage from (500
>>>> - 750m) on one of the lanes.
>>>> *2.* *Setting the 3 lcParams, *it takes the same only *262s*
>>>> *Doubt:* Am I misunderstanding what autonomous lane-changing means? Or
>>>> are the two: lcParams and lane change mode not equivalent in the way I have
>>>> mentioned?
>>>> Please advise.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Hriday
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