Thank you, now it works just as I want it.

On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 12:05 AM Jakob Erdmann <>

> Unfortunately, this isn't set automatically yet (
> Am Fr., 14. Apr. 2023 um 18:21 Uhr schrieb Philip Daely <
>> I created a custom network, and put a parkingArea shown below.
>> [image: image.png]
>> Then, I made a python script that basically add a new vehicle with a
>> route to follow and then insert a new stop at the designated parkingArea
>> above. The python script is as follows.
>> import traci
>> import traci.constants as tc
>> # Connect to the Sumo server
>> traci.start(['sumo-gui', '-c', "D:\sumoworks\customcityblock2.sumocfg"])
>> # Spawn a vehicle at (x1,y1) and set its destination to (x2,y2)
>> x1, y1 = 0, 0
>> x2, y2 = 100, 0
>> veh_id = "vehicle_1"
>> #traci.vehicle.add(veh_id, "route_1", depart=0, pos=x1, lane=0,
>> typeID="CAR1")
>> #traci.vehicle.changeTarget(veh_id, (x2, y2))
>> #print("FINDROUTE: ",
>> traci.simulation.findRoute("E45","E103","CAR1",50,0))
>> counter = 0
>> # Simulate for 1000 time steps
>> for i in range(1000):
>>     if i == 30:
>>         traci.vehicle.add(veh_id,"r_0","CAR1")
>>         traci.vehicle.moveToXY(veh_id,"E0",1,0,0)
>>         traci.vehicle.insertStop(veh_id,0,"pa_0",duration=100,flags=tc.
>> #traci.vehicle.setParkingAreaStop(veh_id,"pa_0",100,flags=tc.STOP_PARKING_AREA)
>>         traci.vehicle.insertStop(veh_id,1,"E86",duration=30)
>>         #traci.vehicle.moveTo(veh_id,"E0_1",(0,20),0)
>>         #traci.vehicle.changeTarget(veh_id,"E86")
>>     traci.simulationStep()
>> # Close the connection to the Sumo server
>> traci.close()
>> The additional xml file that define the parkingArea is as follows.
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <!-- generated on 2023-04-15 01:04:55 by Eclipse SUMO netedit Version
>> 1.16.0
>> -->
>> <additional xmlns:xsi="";
>> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="
>> ">
>>     <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
>>     <parkingArea id="pa_0" name="park1" lane="-E118_0" startPos="100.75"
>> endPos="120.75" roadsideCapacity="3" width="4.00" length="10.00" angle=
>> "45.00" departPos="0"/>
>> </additional>
>> When I run the python script, the SUMO GUI pops up. I run the simulation.
>> At time 30, the designated vehicle is added into simulation and starts to
>> follow its route. Then when the vehicle reach the parkingArea, it stops at
>> the road lane, not on the roadside, even though I already define
>> roadsideCapacity = 3, as shown below.
>> [image: image.png]
>> After some time, it start to move again to next stop....
>> Why is the vehicle not parked at the parkingArea roadside?
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