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Am So., 16. Apr. 2023 um 16:53 Uhr schrieb Marcelo Andrade Rodrigues
d'Almeida <>:

> Hi everyone
> I have a 24-hour simulation.
> My plan is to save the simulation state every hour so I can simulate
> 1-hour periods and just load from that point without re-running the entire
> simulation over and over.
> The below problems happen with v1.16.0 when I try to do that.
> 1 The bus stops are saved with 'triggered=""' instead of triggered="0".
> Fixed manually
> 2 When loading the simulation, it complains about "inf" values (e.g.,
> lcKeepRight="inf"). Fixed manually with high values
> 3 The simulation crashes because some personFlows have 'begin="triggered"'
> and the corresponding vehicle was not inserted as it pre-dates that period
> (not a problem of state saving as it happens in regular situations too). I
> had to remove them manually.
> 4 In the state, some persons have <ride> and <walk> switched, so I get a
> "disconnected plan" error. I changed them back manually
> 5 Error: "Unknown lane '0' when loading walk for person '1879.0' from
> state".
> As I'm not sure how to read the saved state from 5, I'm not sure how to
> work around that.
> Can you help me? See attached files
> Sincerely,
> Marcelo d'Almeida
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