looks like ego and leader are driving on a road that goes from right to

Am Sa., 22. Apr. 2023 um 14:38 Uhr schrieb ĐEEPTHI P <deepthi....@gmail.com

> Hi,
> I used the code below to get the position of leading vehicle. However,
> sometimes the simulation gives the position of the leading vehicle behind
> the ego vehicle (as shown in the output). How does this happen ?
>  leader = traci.vehicle.getLeader(ego_id)
>  if leader != None:
>     leader_id = leader[0]
>     lead_pos = traci.vehicle.getPosition(leader_id)
>     ego_pos = traci.vehicle.getPosition(ego_id)
>     print("Ego position {}, Lead position {}".format(ego_pos, lead_pos))
> Ego position (795.95, -1.6), Lead position (781.706206685247, -1.6) Ego
> position (797.5900467095553, -1.6), Lead position (783.2492279457477, -1.6) 
> Ego
> position (799.1890996324844, -1.6), Lead position (784.7922492062485, -1.6)
> Regards,
> Deepthi
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